„The wealth of a city is that of its collective spaces, of all places where everyday life takes place, presents itself, and is present as memory.“

Kristiaan Borret

MORITZ BERNOULLY, photographer and architect, born in Germany. I live and work in Mexico City and Frankfurt/Main. My work focuses on the documentation of architecture, public spaces and contemporary art. I am interested in the mutual interaction between built environment and its users.
I have produced images for numerous books, architecture guides, and catalogs. In 2018 Hatje Cantz published the book “The properties of light”, for which I documented works by Fred Sandbak installed in various projects by the Mexican architect Luis Barragán. In 2019 I participated in the project “The (invisible) Art of Documenting Art” by Spanish artist Cristina Garrido. My photos have been shown in exhibitions in Mexico City, Rotterdam, Tel Aviv and Frankfurt/Main. I collaborate on a regular basis with the German Architecture Museum DAM.

Bundesverband Architekturfotografie e.V.
Architekturbild e.V.

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Photo: Alejandro Altamirano